Peer Helper Teams

The KUTO Peer Helper Team (PHT) program is a “teens helping teens” endeavor where youth volunteers are trained to co-facilitate an activity based workshop of basic peer helping skills. The training program includes lecture, role-plays, activities and exercises.

Core components of the program include Building Rapport through Attending, Expression of Empathy, Clarifying Questioning, Developing Assertiveness, Confrontations with Confidence, and Problem Solving Strategies. Since 1992, KUTO has trained hundreds of youth as Peer Helpers.

What are Peer Helpers?

“Peer helpers” are students who have studied and developed proficiency with specific helping skills, that identify them as exceptional listeners and helpers by their peers. The goal of school-based peer helping is to recruit and train students who are available to serve as liaisons between adults and students.

School-based peer helpers serve as gatekeepers, complementing the professional and administrative services available on campus. Student peer-helping programs have gained recognition for their positive influence in educating youth about drinking and drugging issues, HIV/AIDS prevention, and crisis prevention and intervention strategies.

Primary objectives of a peer helper team are to:

  • encourage greater communication and interaction between students and adults
  • provide a supportive environment in which friends are able to help friends

For more information about scheduling KUTO Peer Helper Team Training for your school or group, email us.