Changing the Conversation about Suicide

November 20, 2015


The word suicide brings conversations to a halt, and evokes primal fears of the darkest of all human experiences.

Speaking the word itself is not the problem.

The silence that so often follows is.


THE S WORD, a feature-length documentary, tackles one of the most unfathomable issues of our time by telling the stories of suicide attempt survivors, along with the families and loved ones of those who have died by suicide – who are left behind to suffer the anguish, guilt, and confusion of death by suicide, the 10th leading cause of death in America. The voices of those living through suicide loss and attempts will be amplified above simple discussion and politics of the issues. This film will be bracing, controversial, and surprising in its revelations, its humor, its connections, and its multiple points of view.

So, when people ask us “Why suicide? Isn’t that topic depressing?”  The answer is, “There is nothing depressing about working to prevent the kind of suffering that so many families have endured. The most depressing thing would be to remain silent… and not make this movie.

view the trailer


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